Carnegie Mellon University

Christopher Langmead

Dr. Langmead’s research is focused on the development and application of passive and active machine learning algorithms to address critical challenges in Medicine and Bioengineering.  His collaborators include physicians from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, the Cleveland Clinic, and the Ohio State University College of Medicine, as well as biological and chemical engineers from Carnegie Mellon.  Recent projects include the development of algorithms for: (i) learning models capable of triaging patients with acute pancreatitis; (ii) phenotyping and disease progression modeling for pulmonary hypertension; (iii) automated clone selection for clinical cell-based tissue engineering, and (iv) automated design and optimization of chimeric proteins for therapeutic and industrial applications.

Gates Hillman Center Room 7411
Work Phone: 412-268-7571

Lab Website

Google Scholar

Administrative Assistant: Janet Garrand