Cell and Systems Modeling (offered infrequently)
Course Number: 02-530
This course will introduce students to the theory and practice of modeling biological systems from the molecular to the organism level with an emphasis on intracellular processes. Topics covered include kinetic and equilibrium descriptions of biological processes, systematic approaches to model building and parameter estimation, analysis of biochemical circuits modeled as differential equations, modeling the effects of noise using stochastic methods, modeling spatial effects, and modeling at higher levels of abstraction or scale using logical or agent-based approaches. A range of biological models and applications will be considered including gene regulatory networks, cell signaling, and cell cycle regulation. Weekly lab sessions will provide students hands-on experience with methods and models presented in class. Course requirements include regular class participation, bi-weekly homework assignments, a take-home exam, and a final project. Prerequisites: The course is designed for graduate and upper-level undergraduate students with a wide variety of backgrounds. The course is intended to be self-contained but students may need to do some additional work to gain fluency in core concepts. Students should have a basic knowledge of calculus, differential equations, and chemistry as well as some previous exposure to molecular biology and biochemistry. Experience with programming and numerical computation is useful but not mandatory. Laboratory exercises will use Matlab as the primary modeling and computational tool augmented by additional software as needed.
Degree: course-archive
Prerequisite(s): (33121 or 03121 or 03151) and (03231 or 03232) and (21112) and (09105)