Carnegie Mellon University
August 20, 2012

Lane Center Welcomes New Faces

Carl Kingsford

Dr. Carl Kingsford (pictured at left) joined us as Associate Professor.  He brings a working lab, including Postdoctoral Fellow Robert Patro and Ph.D. students Geet Duggal, Darya Filippova, Emre Sefer, and Hao Wang.


Guy ZinmanDr. Guy Zinman, who recently received his Ph.D. from the CMU-Pitt computational biology program, remains in the Lane Center as Project Scientist driving our open source personal genome sequence analysis project.


Valentin IlyinDr. Valentin Ilyin (pictured at left) joined as Associate Teaching Professor to teach at Carnegie Mellon Qatar.  He is spending the fall in Pittsburgh becoming familiar with our curriculum and research interests before moving to Qatar in the spring to teach and supervise undergraduates in research projects.


We also added to our administrative staff.  Russ O’Lare joins us as Business Manager and Nichole Merritt as Administrative Assistant.