October 20, 2013
iGEM Team wins Best Poster Award
The Carnegie Mellon iGEM2013 Team traveled to Toronto to compete in the North American iGEM Team Competition and returned with the Best Poster Award. The Poster titled “Light-Activated Antimicrobial Phage” was one of 64 presented by teams that attended the Regional Jamboree. Team members Kathy Bates (BME/ChemE 2013), Ben Beltzer (CompBio 2016), Andrew Nadig (Bio2015), Eric Pederson (Bio 2015), and Evan Starkweather (ChemE 2015) tackled the problem of antibiotic resistance with an alternative, phage therapy. The bacteriophage that they designed had a secret weapon: it could be activated by light to kill bacteria. The team was generously supported by the Lane Center for Computational Biology, MCS and the Department of Biological Sciences, CIT and the Departments of BME, ChemE and ECE.