Carnegie Mellon University
April 12, 2017

Natalie Sauerwald and She Zhang Publish Work on Chromosomal Dynamics using the GNM


From Hi-C maps to Chromosome Dynamics and Cross-Correlations between Gene Loci

This is the first structure-based study of chromosomal dynamics using elastic network models, between the Bahar and Kingsford labs.

In this study, we constructed Gaussian Network Models (GNM) for chromosome structures based on Hi-C maps. The GNM analysis permits us to predict chromatin mobility profile, identify hierarchical structural domains, and discover cross-correlated distal domains (CCDDs). These biological findings were found consistent with various types of experimental data, including chromatin accessibility (ATAC-seq and DNase-seq), interacting pairs of regulatory elements and gene loci (ChIA-PET), and gene co-expression.

Sauerwald,N.*, Zhang,S.*, Kingsford,C., Bahar, I. (2017) Chromosomal dynamics predicted by an elastic network model explains genome-wide accessibility and long-range couplings. Nucleic Acids Research.

Congratulations Natalie and She!