Carnegie Mellon University
March 01, 2018

Kingsford & Lee publish paper with new method for HLA typing

Overview of Kingsford and Lee's MethodAssociate Professor Carl Kingsford & Lane Fellow Heewook Lee have published a paper in Genome Biology.   The paper discusses the importance of accurate typing of human leukocyte antigen (HLA).  HLA genes play important roles in immune responses and disease genesis. Previously available computational methods are database-matching approaches and their outputs are inherently limited by the completeness of already known types, making them unsuitable for discovery of novel alleles. Kingsford and Lee have developed a graph-guided assembly technique for classical HLA genes, which can construct allele sequences given high-coverage whole-genome sequencing data. Their method delivers highly accurate HLA typing, comparable to the current state-of-the-art methods.

To read more about their new method, follow this link