Carnegie Mellon University
December 16, 2021

Jian Ma Receives Endowed Professorship

We are very pleased to celebrate the naming of Dr. Jian Ma as the Ray and Stephanie Lane Professor of Computational Biology.  Ma's research focuses on developing machine learning algorithms to reveal the structure and function of the human genome and cellular organization, and their implications for human diseases.  He has received a number of other honors, including being named a "Tomorrow's PI" by Genome Technology (2011) and receiving a National Science Foundation CAREER award (2011), and a Guggenheim Fellowship (2020).  He has played a major role in both phases of the NIH 4D Nucleome Project and is one of the principal investigators in the new NIH Cellular Senescence Network.

Professor Ma is the fourth CBD professor to hold an endowed chair.  Dr. Carl Kingsford is Herbert A. Simon Professor and Dr. Ziv Bar-Joseph is FORE Systems Professor.

The Ray and Stephanie Lane Professorship in Computational Biology was established in 2007 by Raymond J. Lane and his wife, Stephanie H. Lane, to support a senior faculty member in any area of the university who specializes in computational biology. Ray Lane is a Pittsburgh native and former chair of CMU's board of trustees. A generous donation from the Lanes enabled the creation of the Lane Center for Computational Biology, the forerunner to the Computational Biology Department in SCS.  The initial Lane Professorship was held by Dr. Robert F. Murphy, the founding head of the Lane Center and the Department, until his retirement this past year.