Jose Lugo-Martinez
Assistant Professor, Co-Director of M.S. in Automated Science Program, Ray and Stephanie Lane Computational Biology Department
Ray and Stephanie Lane Computational Biology Department, SCS
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Gates Hillman Center Room 7411
Work Phone: 412-268-8693
Administrative Assistant: Angelica Bondy
Lab Members

Highlighted Publications
V. Pejaver, J. Urresti, J. Lugo-Martinez, K.A. Pagel, G.N. Lin, H.J. Nam, M. Mort, D.N. Cooper, J. Sebat, L.M. Iakoucheva, S.D. Mooney and P. Radivojac. Inferring the molecular and phenotypic impact of amino acid variants with MutPred2. Nature Communications. (2020) 11(1):5918. [PDF].
J. Lugo-Martinez, D. Zeiberg, T. Gaudelet, N. Malod-Dognin, N. Przulj and P. Radivojac. Classification in biological networks with hypergraphlet kernels. Bioinformatics. (2020), in press. [here]
J. Lugo-Martinez, J. Dengjel, Z. Bar-Joseph and R.F. Murphy. Integration of heterogeneous experimental data improves global map of human protein complexes. In Proc. of the 10th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics. (ACM-BCB 2019). [PDF]
J. Lugo-Martinez*, D. Ruiz-Perez*, G. Narasimhan and Z. Bar-Joseph. Dynamic interaction network inference from longitudinal microbiome data. Microbiome. (2019) 7(1):54. (*Indicates equal contribution). [PDF]