Carnegie Mellon University

 Andreas Pfenning

Associate Professor, Ray and Stephanie Lane Computational Biology Department


Ray and Stephanie Lane Computational Biology Department, SCS
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Gates Hillman Center Room 7711

Email   Lab Website

Administrative Assistant: Erin Driskill


Over the last several decades, the genetic revolution has showed us that much of human biology, even complex behavior, is encoded in our genome. Most of the variation in genome sequence that influences neurological disease predisposition and behavioral ability occurs in the vast regulatory regions between genes. The goal of the Pfenning laboratory is to build a set of computational and experimental genomic tools to study how sequence differences in those regions influence neurons, neural circuits, disease predisposition, and behavior. By understanding the genetic mechanisms underlying neural function, we seek to uncover the cell type-specific basis of Alzheimer’s disease and addiction, as well as gain insights into how speech production ability evolved in the human lineage.

Lab Members

Ghada Abdelhady
Ph.D. Student
Ashley Brown
Lab Manager
Lahari Gadey
Lab Technician
Vijay Cherupally
Research Associate
Heather Harper Sestili
Research Programmer
Ziheng (Calvin) Chen
Ph.D. Student
Rajee Ganesan
Ph.D. Student
Mike Leone
Ph.D. Student
BaDoi Phan
MSTP Student
Chai Srinivasan
Ph.D. Student
Amy Stephen
Undergraduate Student