Min Xu
Associate Professor and co-Director of the M.S. in Computational Biology Program, Ray and Stephanie Lane Computational Biology Department
Highlighted Publications
Zeng X, Kahng A, Xue L, Mahamid J, Chang Y, Xu M. High-throughput cryo-ET structural pattern mining by deep unsupervised clustering. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Uddin M, Howe G, Zeng X, Xu M. Harmony: A Generic Unsupervised Approach for Disentangling Semantic Content from Parameterized Transformations. IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR 2022)
Zeng X, Xu M. Gum-Net: Unsupervised geometric matching for fast and accurate 3D subtomogram image alignment and averaging. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (CVPR 2020)
Wang T, Li X, Yang P, Hu G, Zeng X, Huang S, Xu C, Xu M. Boosting Active Learning via Improving Test Performance. AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. (AAAI 2022)
Zeng X, Howe G, Xu M. End-to-end robust joint unsupervised image alignment and clustering. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2021)
Zhu X, Chen J, Zeng X, Liang J, Li C, Liu S, Behpour S, Xu M. Weakly Supervised 3D Semantic Segmentation Using Cross-Image Consensus and Inter-Voxel Affinity Relations. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2021)